
Query Management Reinvented

Melissa Lorraine
Melissa Lorraine
updated on May 21, 20242 min read
Query Management Reinvented illustration

At XTM International, new releases of XTM Cloud are always exciting times. Our latest release, version 13.1, sent our excitement levels through the roof as we introduced our brand new Query Management Module. This brand new functionality requested by many of our users through the XTM Wish List, our feature request platform completely reinvented the way project managers, linguists and LSPs manage queries.

This game-changing feature within a Translation Management System (TMS), enables all users to create, manage, and answer queries faster than ever before. Gone are the days when linguists needed to use emails or other communication tools to ask for clarification on a segment, double check whether a URL should or shouldn’t be translated, or simply flag a typo in the original content.

Here’s what you can already do:

We are proud of this achievement, and even decided to add a little extra to enhance our Query Management Module. XTM Cloud users of the recently updated version 13.1 will now be able to tag other users when raising queries. To mention specific chat participants, simply add “@” in front of their names in the chat, and they’ll get notified straight away. This ensures a seamless experience, as most users will already be familiar with this way of mentioning participants. Besides, by mentioning specific chat participants, you can make sure that critical messages are not missed among long threads.

Here’s what’s new:

As shown in the video, when linguists receive new translations projects, they may have questions or require additional context. As project managers sometimes receive high volumes of messages, important ones can get missed. To ensure they find the queries that need to be addressed straight away, they can focus first on those that mention them ensuring that the localization project isn’t getting delayed. That way, they know a specific question requires their attention. They can find the chat(s) where they are mentioned quickly and easily, answer the query, and allow linguists to get the guidance they need without any delays.

Try it out now and watch out for additional updates of the Query Management Module in the upcoming versions!

Want to add your feedback about this new functionality?

Head to the XTM Wish List, check the ‘Released’ section and select the relevant card under ‘Just launched in XTM Cloud 13.1′.

Ready to see XTM Cloud’s new Query Management Module in action?