
Say hello to XTM Portal 21.2

Say hello to XTM Portal 21.2 illustration
AuthorJagoda Modrzyńska
Reading time 3 minutes

XTM Portal offers an online access point for language service providers and internal departments to manage and submit their translation requests, all within an intuitive, customizable user interface. The beauty of this solution lies in its flexibility and user-friendliness, all reaching new levels with XTM Portal 21.2.

This new version of XTM Portal simplifies project creation with enhanced multiple customer functionality, and brings greater flexibility, accuracy and visibility to the translation request process.

Product Manager Sara Basile commented, “XTM Portal users, language service providers and internal localization departments need simple, efficient ways to manage translation requests for their teams and clients. XTM Portal 21.2 delivers precisely what our users need, namely improved performance and greater peace of mind for all stakeholders.”

More intuitive project creation

XTM Portal 21.2 enhances the project submission functionality rolled out in version 20.4, enabling Administrators to create customer groups and assign specific users to them. Portal users are now able to submit translation requests with the right settings from the outset, ensuring more accurate project creation in XTM Cloud.

More accurate, timely project costs

Getting accurate, timely project cost data enables successful project completion, on time and within budget. XTM Portal 21.2 ensures that project costs can be logged and mapped in XTM Cloud’s custom fields using Single Sign-On (SSO). Correct costing information is sent to XTM Cloud, creating more accurately budgeted and profitable projects right from the start.

Source files and style guides at your fingertips

Some translation requests include so many source and reference files that it’s possible to lose track of what’s been uploaded. XTM Portal 21.2 enables easy monitoring of all project source files by making them downloadable from the project listing, offering complete transparency and visibility.

Clarity on scheduled downtime

System maintenance is essential for optimal performance, and so is the downtime that accompanies it. To limit any impact on user activity, XTM Portal 21.2 users will be informed of any planned system maintenance ahead of time, for a better user experience.

XTM Portal 21.2. Greater flexibility, greater accuracy and a better user experience.

Read the release notes to find out more about XTM Portal’s latest enhancements.