XTM Cloud 13.7 | XTM AI SmartContext for Unparalleled Speed and Quality
XTM Cloud 13.7 | XTM AI SmartContext for Unparalleled Speed and Quality illustration
Melissa Lorraine
AuthorMelissa Lorraine
Reading time 2 minutes

The roll out of 13.7 has just started, with the official release scheduled for beginning of July 2024

XTM Cloud 13.7 brings a host of new features designed to enhance efficiency, improve translation quality, and provide users with unparalleled control and flexibility. The groundbreaking innovation in this release however is our brand-new feature: XTM AI SmartContext, powered by GPT, currently available in Beta.

Introducing XTM AI SmartContext

XTM AI SmartContext is a powerful tool that leverages the power of GPT-3.5 Turbo, combined with its unparalleled capability of automatically generating translations based fuzzy matches, ensuring higher-quality, consistent, and faster translations. This feature is particularly beneficial for enterprises that require consistent style and quality without having to spend time and resources on training or customizing any models. Leveraging OpenAI’s technology, it provides unmatched translation quality while adhering to our strict ethical guidelines, highlighted in our AI Principles.

GPT generates the content by analyzing the translation memory and taking its terminology, style, and tone of voice into consideration. This ensures that the generated content is high quality, on-brand, and consistent with your previous work with minimal effort. This combination of cutting-edge technology and responsible AI use makes XTM AI SmartContext a game-changer in the localization industry.

Additionally, users also have the option to use this feature through Microsoft Azure, making the most of it in a secure and convenient way, while benefiting from the enterprise-level integration between OpenAI and Microsoft. This would make it the preferred option for regulated industries such as life sciences, IT, software, gaming, and large language service providers (LSPs) working with these sectors.

Ian Evans

XTM AI SmartContext is more than just a feature; it’s a testament to our commitment to innovation, transparency, and customer-centric solutions. By choosing XTM, you’re not just adopting advanced AI technology; you’re partnering with a company that values integrity and data safety.”

Ian Evans


Redesigned Workflow Editor

With our redesigned workflow editor, it is now easier than ever for project managers to find critical information quickly and monitor project progress. You can now spot issues without endless scrolling, quickly identify tasks in a specific status, and use simple shortcuts to get where you want from the Overview page, saving valuable time. This full redesign addresses key usability and productivity feedback raised by our users, making localization processes more efficient and user-friendly. If you’re an existing XTM Cloud user, simply log in, opt in, and you’re good to go!

Compare MS Word files via REST API

We’re introducing the option to compare two Word target files at any point during a project workflow via REST API, a feature particularly beneficial for sectors where regulatory compliance is crucial. Reviewers can now easily see changes in both source and target texts, enabling seamless sign-offs.

Improved Translation Quality Evaluation [Beta]

Building on XTM Cloud 13.3, our translation quality evaluation feature has been refined to provide more accurate scores. Based on our Beta tester feedback, the algorithm now better handles subtle changes that impact meaning, ensuring higher precision in assessing translation quality. This enhancement empowers users to maintain the highest standards in localization projects.

Other Notable Improvements

  • Terminology Management: Now supports handling homonyms with different concepts by assigning unique IDs, improving accuracy and consistency.

  • Expanded Language Support: We now support over 300 new languages, ensuring broad applicability and usability.

  • User Experience Enhancements: Save project filters as favorites, and rename or delete them with ease, improving overall workflow efficiency.

  • REST API Enhancements: Modify editing steps in the workflow via REST API, offering more flexibility and control.

Want to see XTM Cloud 13.7 in action?

Join our upcoming webinar to learn more about how these new features can benefit your organization.