XTM TechTalk: What is behind Inter-Language Vector Space

It’s a commonly repeated phrase that artificial intelligence is a great enabler – it’s there to help humans. AI technologies bring massive potential to the whole translation ecosystem, ranging from alignment tasks, to translation, to project management. Tedious and repetitive tasks such as handling text formatting elements, or extracting key term from bilingual files can be done by AI.
The week before the LocWorldWide 42 conference starts, Dave Ruane (Digital Content and Partnership Manager) sat down for a virtual chat with Andrzej Zydroń (CTO) and Rafal Jaworski (Linguistic AI Expert) to talk about artificial intelligence at XTM International, and specifically about the new area of Inter-language Vector Space, and how it is unlocking the secrets of language.
What you will learn in this session:
- How Vector Space technology supports linguists and terminologists thorough tangible functionality such as bilingual terminology extraction and auto-placement of inline tags
- Behind-the-scenes information on how the auto-inlines functionality works and how it removes manual repetitive translators’ tasks
- The technical explanation of how automatic bilingual terminology extraction works and how the tool helps terminologists do their tasks more easily.
Watch the XTM TechTalk session below