Recording available

Efficient Localization for Software Companies

Recorded live on September 28 at 4:30 pm CEST / 16:30 pm EDT
Brian Lutz
Brian Lutz Knowledge Architect at SAP
Sara Basile Product Director at XTM International

Find out how software companies can release their products globally on time and update their content on the fly thanks to having access to the right localization technology.

Join this webinar with Brian Lutz (SAP) and Sara Basile (XTM) as they uncover the main challenges software companies face going global, and how they are able to solve them to make their localization program more efficient.

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More about the speakers

Brian has worked in the area of translation at SAP for over 25 years, starting as a translator and moving later into various coordination and strategic project management roles. He currently co-leads the program implementing localization technology as part of SAP’s translation landscape.

Brian Lutz

Knowledge Architect at SAP