XTM Insights

Foster global growth by automating your localization process

Foster global growth by automating your localization process illustration
Melissa Lorraine
AuthorMelissa Lorraine

Automation is one of those things that we can take for granted once we’ve experienced it a few times. For instance, each time my credit card nears its expiration date, a new one magically appears on my doorstep. Do I ever check my card’s expiration date? Do I proactively order a new one? Of course not; I don’t need to even think about it. Well, the same applies to localization. Once we’ve experienced what it’s like to have an automated localization process with a Translation Management System (TMS), any other way of doing it seems completely absurd. Localizing without a TMS is like having to proactively check when your card is going to expire and then having to go to the bank to order a new one. 

To see how absurd not using automation can be, sometimes we have to remind ourselves of all of the manual steps we once took. Let’s say I want to translate this actual article, for instance.

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Let’s chat about how we can help you achieve your globalization goals