XTM Portal

Request and track your translations more quickly and easily.

XTM Portal is a user-customizable, web-based platform which acts as a front end for XTM Cloud. It enables your company employees or LSPs to request translations, generate and process costs, and download target files when ready from a simple and easy-to-use interface.

Why use XTM Portal?

Customizable interface
Incorporate company logos, personalized color schemes, and adapted layout to mirror your organization’s visual identity.
Simplified process
Request and monitor translations in a simple environment leveraging a user-friendly process and interface.
Same core features
Obtain cost reports, select XTM Cloud templates, and download target files created in XTM Cloud.

Benefits of XTM Portal

For Translation Requesters

  • Request and track translations

  • Use standard XTM Cloud configuration and workflows, and custom fields

  • Leverage admin-customized workflow, templates, and cost estimates

  • Use different payment methods for translation projects

  • Get email notifications that keep you updated on the progress

  • Track project status and download target files

For Administrators

  • Manage all settings, including restore, publish, unpublish, archive, or organize web Pages, in various languages

  • Define Payment parameters

  • Set up and manage XTM Portal users as well as controlling access to various pages or sections

  • Access all Project data, including status and requester

  • Enable and define SSO attributes

  • Create FAQ pages

Sara Basile
Sara Basile

XTM Portal is a system which helps our customers automate thousands of internal requests and make their localization process more efficient. This automation is what enables our customers to easily scale their localization program and support their company while embracing digital transformation.”


Sara Basile

Product Director

Get XTM Portal

Make the localization process quicker and easier for your employees or LSPs with an easy-to-use interface, especially designed for those who don’t need to be localization experts.

  • Customizable interface: XTM Portal can be customized to your company’s specific branding, and is available in multiple languages.

  • Made to suit your requirements: The system can be configured by Administrator users to accommodate specific user needs.

  • Easy process: Translation services can be ordered more quickly through Registered Translation Requesters.

  • Fast and secure: Users have the possibility to log in via SSO (e.g. SAML or OAuth2.0 methods).

Ready to take the next step with XTM Cloud?